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Spring is Coming

Typing. Backspacing. Thinking. Mulling. Typing. Backspacing. Thinking.

That’s where I’m at. Not just with this blog but with life at the current moment.

It’s real when the bible says that the Promised Land is full of mountains and valleys. It’s also true that He will be right next to me when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

In Peru they call the place where Machu Picchu is, The Sacred Valley. 

That’s where I’m at. In a valley that is so, so sacred to where the Lord is taking me. 

This morning I went to church, which I have found a church home here in Georgia and it’s an exciting time!! I entered the building in a state of deep hunger and thirst. One of those mornings where I have felt parched and dehydrated for a while and in search of that living water in the desert. Like there’s nothing I can do to get enough hydration.

In this current season of life I feel like I’m walking through a valley that is mud. Like I’m moving but it’s not quick or pretty or very effective. It’s one of those seasons where friendships are hard and where motivation for anything is harder. It’s one of those seasons where instead of waking up at 5:30 without an alarm clock I’m sleeping until 8:00 and snoozing the alarm over and over again.

So, at church this morning the pastor taught on Acts 3 which is where a lame beggar is healed at the Gate called Beautiful. He talked through it and at the end he talked about how this beggar “jumped and praised God.” He then talked about how maybe we are in a place where we don’t feel like praising.

Do it anyway.

He talked about how he is a worship leader and that right now in his current season of life his worship isn’t an overflow but obedience.

Amen if I have ever amen-ed anything.

Right now, I feel like my life is just obedience and that’s okay. Right now I feel like those muddy steps will eventually turn into steps on solid ground. I feel like it’s one of those “hallelujah anyway” types of seasons.

Winter always brings the best harvest so I will keep holding on. Keep walking through. Keep bundling in a million layers of clothes and building fires out of things He’s asking me to burn to keep me warm.

Right now, I might be the beggar who is sitting but soon enough I will be that same beggar jumping and shouting praises to my God. 

Spring is coming.

In all of its glory.

One comment

  1. Kacie, God led me to your blog. Thank you for this truth. I don’t where you are at in the valley, but Blessed are those who take refuge in Him. Amen

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