
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Life has been the most hectic over here in Gainesville, GA. It’s summertime and that means our busiest time of the year. We have Training Camps for squads getting ready to launch on their Races and we have Project Searchlights for squads returning home from their Races. And we have launches in between. It’s the most fun time of the year because hundreds and hundreds of people are in and out of our campus and they bring so much life and lift to us who work there.

We get to constantly worship and teach and have conversations about Jesus and walking closely with Him.

We get to walk in close discipleship with one another and the squads that are here.

We get to have long, long days and even longer weeks and we are all exhausted by the end.

We get to see Kingdom come in the lives of missionaries before they head out to bring Kingdom to the world.

What a privilege it is to live this life. To pour into the next generation of Racers. To walk closely alongside them as the Lord does a mighty work in my own heart.

Last week was Training Camp for Gap Year. It’s the week where I got to meet the 48 people that I will get to mentor this year and wow am I so, so eager to get it started. Gap T is a squad of a whole lot of fun and weirdness. They are unapologetically themselves. They say things like “I’m stoked” and they are learning to trust that they hear the Lord’s voice in their lives. They worship passionately and want to dig deeper in their relationship with the Lord. They are excited to share the Gospel with people around the world and I am just hoping that I can keep up with their energy this year. They already feel like one, big family and I cannot wait to see what the Lord has for them this year. They’ve said yes to following the Lord wherever He calls them and for now that looks like leaving their family, friends and comforts behind to live out of a backpack and in community.

Just throughout the 10 days of Training Camp I saw them grab hold of everything that the Lord had for them. He started showing them their identity in Him. He started speaking to them about their year and about all that He has for them. They wrestled through exhaustion and weird food and ridiculously realistic sleeping scenarios. They said yes to each other– to being disciples. To being iron that sharpens iron. To loving each other when it’s easy and when it gets real hard.

If you want to follow along with Gap T and their journey, here is the link to all of their blogs! I am sure they would love some encouraging comments throughout the next year as they go on this crazy thing called The World Race.

In September we will all get back together in ATL for a few days of preparation and then off to Guatemala we will go! I get to launch with the squad for the whole first month and I am super excited to be on the field with them and get to know them and walk closely beside them.

I also have some rockin’ Squad Leaders who will be with them for all 9 months and some Alumni Team Leaders who will be with them for the first 3 months! I will attach their blogs, as well for you to follow along with them!

My fearless Squad Leaders (They just got off of the #11n11 Race and are going back out to lead the whole squad for the full 9 months): 




And my incredible Alumni Team Leaders (They’ve done Gap Year before and are going to be with specific teams for the first 3 months to help them set culture and teach them the reigns of the race!):





One more thing, my fiscal year deadline is QUICKLY approaching. I need to have $12,000 in my account by October 1st and I truly believe that I can get there with YOUR help! Currently I need approximately $300 in monthly support which would mean I would consistently be fully funded.

That breaks down like this:  

1 person = $100/month

2 people = $50/month

4 people = $25/month

Why give monthly?

Because you would then be invested in what God is doing all over the world through Adventures in Missions! You would get to consistently sow into the Kingdom. Adventures in Missions couldn’t do what we do without you! Really. Without your prayers and financial support we would not be able to send missionaries out into the world and I would love, love, love if you would ask the Lord if Adventures in Missions is where you are supposed to give. I believe that we can all partner in the Great Commission and I believe some of you reading this are supposed to say yes to this!

If you feel led, you can click that donate button up top and just make sure to check the “monthly” box as you give!

I, of course, also appreciate one-time donations in ANY amount! Every penny counts when it comes to sowing into the Kingdom!!

Thank you to everyone that has walked so closely with me these last few years, you are the reason that I can keep doing what I love with these incredible 18-20 year olds!

A few prayer requests:

For Gap T as they are preparing to say their “see ya laters” to people over the next 6 weeks

For my leaders who are also getting ready to leave for their second time– missing holidays and big things for another little while 

For me to be FULLY FUNDED 

For the hearts of people around the world to be prepared to hear about Jesus from Gap T

For the families and friends of Gap T 

For people that we all meet over the next 6 weeks to be willing to hear about Jesus– because we don’t have to wait until the Nations to share the Gospel! 

Also, a silly one, but ya girl is praying for a piano because I am wanting to mark off some dreams on my list and one of those is to learn to play. So, if you know of one, hit me up!