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Thoughts & Inspiration


The summers are busy and full of life here at Adventures. We have hundreds of participants come through our campus whether they are getting off the field or whether they are getting training to launch into the Nations in just a few months. 


Last week we had Gap Year Training Camp for our newest crew of 18-20 year olds that are taking a 9 month Gap Year after high school/in the middle of college. That’s 10 days of worship and teachings and scenarios and get to know you games and q&a sessions. It’s awesome! 

I have the honor and privilege of mentoring Gap Z! They are an energetic group of 24 people who are excited to go to Costa Rica, Cambodia and Swaziland starting in September. I am so, so full of anticipation to see what the Lord does in and through them over the next year as they live out their yes to the Lord. 

I love what I do. I cannot believe the life change that happens for these incredible people on this journey. One of my favorite things is getting to see the fruit of the last few years of my life. I’ve had the gift of squad leading(on the field for their whole 9 months) Gap J and mentoring(in the office) Gap L, T and now Z. At Training Camp I was in tears watching as people from all of those squads were there either leading worship, serving behind the scenes or going back out to lead for another 3 months. To see how these people have stepped into their identity as sons and daughters of God. To see them walking in their giftings in whatever capacity that looks like. It truly takes my breath away that the Lord allows me to partner with Him in this Kingdom work. 

I will be launching with my squad in September to spend over a month with them in Costa Rica and I am full of excitement and anticipation for what the Lord is going to do! Gap Z is going to be a squad that learns what it looks like to live out 1 Corinthians 13 type love in a world that says love is love. They are going to learn what it is to be men and women of honor and men and women who stay committed to their yes no matter how hard it gets. 

In order to continue doing what I do I have to reach some support raising deadlines. Don’t stop reading now because I really believe that this is where you come in! 

I currently have $700/month and need $1000/month to be fully funded by September. That’s putting me at about $1000 short of my goal of $12,000 and I would LOVE if you would consider supporting Adventures in Missions as we strive to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. After I reach that $12,000 goal, I will start over for another year. Over the last 5 years of my life I have seen the Lord provide over $50,000 and some of you have been supporting me monthly since day 1 of this crazy journey. I cannot thank you enough for the seeds you have sown with your finances. We have seen many come to know Jesus. We have seen many people healed. We have seen 18-20 year olds learn what the Lord is calling them to and now they are out in the world spreading His Gospel. 

If you already give monthly– THANK YOU. Really, I couldn’t be doing this without your belief in me and what the Lord is doing. If you have ever donated at all, THANK YOU. I couldn’t be doing this without your belief in me and what the Lord is doing. 

Can you give a one-time donation? Absolutely! I have had people give from $5 to $1000 and every single bit counts. 

Why give monthly? I LOVE monthly donations because you actually get to be invested in the long term of what we are doing at Adventures in Missions. You get to consistently sow seed and I get to keep you updated pretty often on what the Lord is doing. If you’re already giving monthly I want to ask if you would consider increasing that donation– ask the Lord if there is more! 

Either way, this is your invitation to give to what the Lord is doing around the world!! Will you say yes? 

CLICK HERE to give a donation!! 


Stay tuned– click that subscribe button– for all the updates on Gap Z and how they are being the hands and feet of Jesus around the world!